Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on January 13th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. Our meal of spaghetti and meatballs, provided by members of Henry Wentworth OES Chapter No 250, surpassed all expectations. From the excellent service, table settings, and good food, we will be looking forward to their help in providing meals at our Stated Meetings moving forward.
During the meal, we discussed the Table Lodge and New Year’s Eve events, as well as a presentation on the History of Calendars (more interesting than it sounds) which cumulated in announcing our Summer Camping Trip on August 26th, 2022.
Our Stated Meeting included thoughts on the ‘weight’ of Masonry, a review of Chapter 9 of the Constitutions, a review of the audit results, the reading of several Resolutions to increase our fees and dues, an introduction to Origami, and ending with a reflection on Brotherly Love. After which the Lodge was closed, peace and harmony prevailing.