Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on March 10th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 3rd Degree. OES Henry Wentworth provided a delicious Irish Stew, homemade biscuits, salad, and apple crisp with ice cream for dessert. During the meal, we passed the hat and raised over $450 for charity to support the Ukrainian Crisis. You may read more about this issue on the Freemasons For Dummies blog.
After opening, we learned a bit about the artist Grant Wood, before viewing an excellent display of proficiency in the third degree by Brother Sage B. After calling down to the 1st degree, we welcomed several visitors including our Grand Master, MW Cameron B., DGM RW Ed Woods, Sec. RW Clint B., PGM MW Jim M., VWB David R., VWB Gordon J., WB Todd E., Brothers from Saint Helens Lodge No. 32 in Oregon to include their Secretary WB Terry P. (who is also WM of Rainier Lodge No. 32), as well as several Brothers from throughout the District. Kudos to Brother Alex B. for keeping up with all the titles!
Our business included a petition for affiliation and two ballots cast for the degrees of Masonry, both bright in the East. The Degree is scheduled for March 24th, details are below. Also, a full-page ad was purchased in the upcoming Jobs Daughter Grand Session program and the results from the Blind Charity Tournament were announced. Congratulations again to WB Todd for winning the tournament, who chose the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to be the recipient of funds raised!
It was at this point we noticed a traveler in the room. One that had seen many miles away from a loved one. VWB Mark S. and WB Ric B. provided a proper reunion ceremony with WB Dale V. and his hat. The gavel was passed to WB Dale so he could wear his hat in the lodge, however briefly. All were happy for the reunion, perhaps none more than the Worshipful Master, once WB Dale returned the Gavel without incident!
MW Jim M. then proceeded to discuss Fraternal Communications, outlining requirements and considerations for establishing relations with foreign jurisdictions, as well as some humorous anecdotes when communications go awry. Announcements were made to include our upcoming District Retreat, 5th Thursday Fun Day, and an outline of the exceptionally full couple of weeks in the District. Finally, VWB Dave E. was presented his 40-year membership pin and given a heart-felt thank you for his significant contributions to the Craft and to Mt. Hood in particular. After which, the Lodge was closed in Ample Form, peace and harmony prevailing.