Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on May 12th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st degree. OES Henry Wentworth provided an excellent meal of chicken enchiladas with green chilies, a spanish rice medley, beans, and a delicious brown sugar-crusted cheesecake for dessert. During the meal, a brief presentation about prominent Mexican Freemasons preceded a discussion about the Shrine, their philanthropy in Mexico, and information about Gateway, our local Shrine club. During the meal, we raised $200 for our Random Act of Kindness fund. Later in the meeting, Brothers Chuck C. and Tom M. were chosen to receive $100 each. The goal is for them to pay for a tank of gas, cover a grocery bill, or otherwise make someone’s day a bit brighter. We look forward to hearing how they spent the funds at a later meeting!
Prior to opening, we considered the symbolism in Masonry and how well the fraternity communicates ideas through symbols. A sheet of paper was hung on the wall and, by using some working tools, a certain point within a circle was drawn. Immediately after opening, we balloted on affiliation and reinstatement for Brothers Tim H. and Jason W., both bright in the East. Introductions followed, which included our District Deputy VWB David R. being introduced as Deputy for the last time. Kudos to Brother Sage for his excellent work as Senior Deacon during balloting and introductions! During announcements of Joy, Sickness, and Distress, VWB Gordon highlighted the generous contributions to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation made by Masons in the district which totaled a third (or around 32%) of all donations made during this fundraising drive! Business followed which included communications from the Children’s Justice Center and Rainbow Girls thanking Mt. Hood for their generous donations to each. The Treasurer’s report noted a dip in our investment account which was to be expected due to the recent market volatility.
Proficiency reports were given; Brothers Will C. and Connor G. are progressing quickly in their work. Brother Sage B. reported Jerramie R.’s progress and delighted the room when both walked West of the altar. Brother Jerramie displayed an excellent level of proficiency in the 1st Degree, with much applause coming from the Brethren after his conclusion. Several petitions were then read, Brother Robert H. and Brother Gerald W. for affiliation and Mr. David H. to receive the Degrees of Masonry. Investigation committees were assigned for each.
During Old Business we discussed our recent Mother’s Day Masterpiece event which went exceedingly well. Feedback from the Ladies suggested our Wine and Painting event at the English Estate Winery was much enjoyed. We then discussed the process of creating a logo for Mt. Hood. In an effort to generate some ideas, the number 32 was discussed and its relation to water, teeth, elements, chess, and Great Men! Next, we played the Red Chip/Green Chip game. Red and Green poker chips were placed in the Master’s hat, each labeled 1-10, then passed around the room with each Brother taking a chip at random. Then, we read through the 10 Grand Lodge Resolutions with red chips arguing against the resolution and green chips in support. Included with the red and green chips were two white ones. Brothers Chuck C. and Tom M. drew these two which was how they were chosen to receive $100 each from our Random Act of Kindness fund.
Finally, after discussing announcements about events in the District, VWB David R. was brought to the East. There, he expressed fraternal greetings from the Grand Master for the last time as Deputy of District 19 at Mt. Hood. He then proceeded to masterfully close Lodge. Brother Jerramie, in honor of his excellent display of proficiency, was given the honor of gaveling the Lodge closed, peace and harmony prevailing.