Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on January 12th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. By 6 PM the hall was filled with about two dozen Brothers and eight members of OES Henry Wentworth. The dining hall was set up in a large rectangle to accommodate WB John F. for our dinner presentation. Brothers were greeted with a large portion of beef or vegetarian stew in sourdough bowls as they took their seats around 6:30. Delicious aromas filled the air as Brother John stood to facilitate our Socratic Dialogue.
After highlighting the difference between a Dialogue, a Discussion, a Debate, and a Degradation, we proceeded to have a Dialogue about Masonic inventions or adaptations, and their appropriateness. Intermittently, WB John would highlight the mechanics of facilitating a Dialogue in personal and professional settings. Nearly all in attendance contributed, gaining an appreciation of the subject and the process of facilitating a Dialogue.

Just before 7:30, the Brothers settled into the Grange Hall for our Stated Communication. Prior to opening, we noted the differences in how children and adults enjoy the holidays. Life does not take a month off, and inevitably some tragedy attenuates the joy of the season. Brother Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) was highlighted who painted Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, one of the posters we display in Lodge. The painting has been widely interpreted as an emblem of self-reflection or contemplation of life’s path, and the landscape is widely considered to evoke the sublime.

In order to start off the meeting with some Joy, several helium balloons were on hand. While the code requires the exact words to be spoken, there is no requirement to use oxygen. Unfortunately, several of the helium balloons had deflated, leaving only one full one. The WM untied the balloon, took in a big breath of helium and proceeded to open. As with the checkered pavement on the floor of the lodge, we quickly moved from joy to solemnity.
Our first order of business for the evening was to conduct an in-lodge remembrance for Brother Donald K. His son, Brother Karl, was invited into the lodge and gave several heart-felt comments before we proceeded. Near the end of the remembrance, the lights were turned off leaving only the flickering candles and projector to illuminate the room.
Brother David H. was brought to the East, turned on an audio recording of soft background rain, then pulled out his guitar and sang a cover of One More Light. Pausing momentarily from singing, Brother David H. continued to play the chorus while VW David D. read Brother Donald’s years of service and, at announcing his date of death, Brother Sage B. extinguished a candle near the altar. After which, Brother David H. sang the final chorus. It was, perhaps, the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a Lodge meeting and a proper remembrance for our departed Brother.
With much difficulty, we moved on to the required business elements of our meeting. First, Communications from Grand Lodge. Three Master Masons have been expelled for unMasonic conduct, and Mt. Hood received approval for several images to be used for branded merchandise. We then reported balances from our Lodge Investment Plan and our Lodge balances during the Treasurer’s report before briefly covering Chapter 17 (Lodge Membership) from the code.
Our next order of business was to read two petitions, one for the second time. Mister Mark P. has been an active member of Saturday University and was eagerly awaiting tonight’s second reading and ballot. Our Senior Decon prepared the ballot box and after the ensuing voting, the ballot was declared Bright in the East! Mr. Mark P. has been notified of the result and we look forward to his initiation on January 27th! After, we read a petition from Mr. Ian R. and assigned an investigation committee that will report back at the February Stated Meeting.
Proficiency reports were then given. VW David E. reports that Brother Connor G. is ready to prove up, which we will do in committee at a private MM event in early February. Brother Alex B. reports Brother Will C.’s steady progress and Brother Sage B. reports Brother David H. is close to reading the entire Posting Lecture. Brother Jerramie R. reports that Brother Justin has been ready, and we are looking forward to conferring his Fellowcraft Degree at our upcoming Special Meeting!
Old business included a brief discussion of Decembers Table Lodge and NYE Party, both were very enjoyable. We then proceeded to vote on two motions. The resolution to add an additional Standing Resolution failed, while the vote to amend our By-Laws passed. Please reach out if you would like more information. We did not have any new business, so we proceeded directly to our In Case You Missed It segment.
During ICYMI, we highlighted our recent visitation to Kenton Lodge and how we are currently in possession of their Gavel, which we eagerly await their attempt to reclaim it! New Entered Apprentices in the District were announced, including Brother Kelly M. and Brian M. of White Salmon, Brother Phil W. and Ethan C. (a direct descendent of the first GM of Washington) from North Bank, and Brother Joseph E. from Washington. Several Officer installations were mentioned, including; Ridgefield-Daylight, North Bank, Silver Star, and the Vancouver Chapter of DeMolay.
During Good of the Order, several upcoming events were announced including our Fellowcraft Degree on January 26th, Washington’s Burns Night, North Bank’s Crab Feed, and lastly, dates for the upcoming District campout, Aug 18th-20th. After this, it was noticed that a few of the balloons still had a bit of helium. Brother Sage brought them over to VW Dave E. in the West and Brother Alex B. in the South for our closing in a humorous fashion at 9:10 PM, peace and harmony prevailing.
WB Will
P.S. After the meeting, he fellowship extended well into the evening. We enjoyed some beverages and Brother Alex introduced us to the wonderful world of Balut.