Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on November 9th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. The lodge doors were opened early in anticipation of the large gathering that evening. There was much movement in the Grange Hall as stations were being prepared, posters hung, and several chefs busy in the kitchen.

The dining hall was near capacity as brothers and guests dug into the meal. OES contributed several side dishes, but the main event was provided by our Chaplain, Brother Connor G. The steak was plentiful and delicious, and the dining hall was quiet for some time as everyone was enjoying the meal. To add a little flair to the evening, Brother Connor had purchased a branding iron electric with the Lodge logo, searing the image into delicious pieces of Texas toast.

During the meal, Brother Sage delivered a presentation for the Lodge’s entertainment that explored the architecture of the ancient Puebloan native peoples in the Southwestern United States. Cliff dwellings, ceremonial housing, ancient burials, and hidden geometry used in the construction of ceremonial buildings were discussed.

As the clock neared 7:30 PM, Brother’s made their way to the Lodge room and took their places. A quote from Brother William Preston displayed on the projector screen, “…he who cultivates this science, and acts agreeably to the character of a Mason, has within himself the spring and support of every social virtue; a subject of contemplation, that enlarges the mind, and expands all its powers; a theme that is inexhaustible, ever new, and always interesting.”.
The Lodge meeting started under dark and stormy conditions, which quickly gave way to the warm fellowship from the Brother’s gathered. The Master’s Message asked the question, “What is the most important part of a Degree?”. Mt. Hood has held several Degrees in October, with several more scheduled this month. While it is a joy to see so many new men joining our Fraternity, and advancing through the Degrees, this work does take a considerable effort to be done well and with the proper gravitas. Brothers were reminded of the men who once welcomed them into the Fraternity, bringing to bear countless hours of rehearsals and personal study to create a memorable experience for us. Then, in answering the initial question, admonished everyone to remember that the most important part of a Degree, is the role that you have in it. Calling to mind our Grand Master’s theme for this year, “Be all in”.
The Lodge then warmly received Most Worshipful Brother Steve Martin, Grand Master of Masons in Washington, into the Lodge, happily indulging in all the pomp and circumstance the occasion offers. When presented in the East, the Worshipful Master concluded his introduction by removing his hat and traditionally offering the gavel to lead the meeting. In a surprise move, our Grand Master elected to run the meeting himself! The Worshipful Master cautioned that, while we are overjoyed with his visitation, we did in fact have a full meeting with much business to complete. To which, with a smile, the Grand Master asked, “Do you not think I know how to run a meeting? After some laughter from the Brethren present, the Worshipful Master, with an apologetic smile, graciously took a seat next to the Grand Master for the remainder of the meeting. This, of course, was worked out between the two well in advance but provided a bit of fun for the attending Brothers.
Introductions then proceeded, led by the Grand Master, welcoming many Brothers from around the Jurisdiction including WM Tim Hyclak of Washington Lodge No. 4, WM Mike C. of Castle Rock Lodge No. 62, and WM Roy G. of Longview Lodge No. 263. Kudos to our Senior Deacon, Brother Jerramie R., for not only facilitating the introductions from such a large and diverse group but for doing so under the direction of the Grand Master!
Moving on from introductions, we received word from several Brothers about joy, sickness, and distress in their lives. It was inspiring to hear about the achievements of Brothers’ children, both in sports and one starting her first job. Another Brother proudly announced that his wife recently received a much sought-after promotion in her job. We then heard about some of the struggles Brothers were working through. Several Brothers shared about sicknesses with loved ones.
VW Brother Gordon J. then rose to report the passing of our dear Brother Gary L., Sr. who, having been in hospice with declining health, passed quietly into the Celestial Lodge above. Mt. Hood is coordinating with Ridgefield-Daylight Lodge No. 237, and awaiting word on funeral arrangements. Brother Gary was a cherished member of the Fraternity who came from a long history of Masonic family members. His father, WB Walter L., was a founding member of Ridgefield-Daylight Lodge.
After these moments of reflection, the Grand Master moved on to hear about a Random Act of Kindness and prompted WB Todd to report on how he spent the funds collected at our last meeting. Spirits then rose as WB Todd shared how he used the funds to purchase several blue Halloween buckets. These are special Halloween buckets for trick-or-treaters with severe autism. WB Todd purchased several of these buckets from a local store, and then asked them to hand them out to families for free. On top of this wonderful act of kindness, he shared that he also used the funds to help two families in need. These families were quite large, and it was a great help to have groceries paid for through the Lodge’s RAK fund.
Our Communications and Treasurur’s report contained typical business items. VW David D’s organizational skills are legendary, and we quickly reported multiple bills and associated activities. He then reported the receipt of an investigation committee for Mr. Cole C., prompting a ballot on his petition for membership. The vote was positive but, as Mr. Cole was waiting for the Lodges’ decision outside the room, the result was muted, and Br. Connor was asked to give ‘the news’ to him. Preparations are underway to initiate Mr. Cole into our cherished fraternity on November 17th.
Our Senior Warden, Br. Alex B., then led our Proficiency Reports. Justin G. reported that Br. Mark has made exceptional progress on his Fellowcraft proficiency, and is prepared to receive the sublime Degree on November 30th.
WB Will, reporting for Br. Conner who was outside speaking with Mr. Cole, reported that Br. Ian is preparing is Fellowcraft proficiency presentations and will be ready to give them in the next few weeks. Br. Jerramie reported that Br. Joey K., only having been made a Mason a few days prior, was just starting on his Entered Apprentice studies but eagerly engaging them. WB Will, reporting for Br. Norvin who was out of town, reported that Br. Randy R. has been enjoying digging into the material, and as a frequent attendee of Saturday University, prepared to answer several questions about the 1st Degree.
Brother Randy then rose, and began to answer the following questions:
- What is a modern definition of Masonry?
- How many Presidents were Masons?
- What two subjects are never brought up in Lodge?
His answers were insightful, well thought out, and offered several interesting perspectives on these questions!
The Grand Master then prompted Br. Justin to give his “Practical Proficiency” presentation. During his talk, Br. Justin discussed Systems Theory and used metronomes to illustrate the interconnection of nature, and how we should seek to align ourselves with the principles of Masonry alone and to respect each other’s individual religious and political beliefs.
During Old Business Mt. Hood unvailed the logo for the upcoming 7 Masters Table Lodge on December 8th and reported that only 28 tickets remain. However, those Brother’s who have received a Degree in the previous calendar year are invited to attend for free as stewards at the event.
Br. Justin rose during New Business to announce our annual ‘family-friendly’ New Year’s Eve party, the details of which will be given out in the next few weeks.
MW Steve Martin then took a moment to go ‘off script’ and ask all the Veterans in attendance to present themselves west of the altar. His comments reflected his appreciation for the many contributions made by Veterans of our armed forces and sought to create a lapel pin to be worn by the Masons in Washington who had served our country. Then, with the assistance of the Deputy Grand Master, RW James Norton, personally thanked each Veteran in attendance, and presented them with a lapel pin. The recognition ended with Public Grand Honors being given.
Then, as the Brothers returned to their seats, the evening moved on to the “In Case You Missed It” segment where Br. Alex reported on the successful haunted houses held by North Bank Lodge No. 182 and White Salmon Lodge No. 163.
He also recounted his trip to Chicago where he met up with several Alpha Phi Omega Brothers at a bi-annual festive board. All members were also Masons representing Lodges near and far!
Many Brothers made announcements during Good of the Order to report upcoming events. These events will be marked on Mt. Hood’s website calendar shortly.
- Br. Kyle W. from Woodland-Kalama Lodge No. 17 announced their upcoming Santa meet-and-greet on December 2nd and 3rd.
- WM Tim H. from Washington Lodge No. 4 reported two initiations this month being held on November 13th and the 27th.
- WM Mike C. from Castle Rock No. 62 unveiled the Castle Rock ‘Traveling Weight Belt’ and reported that any Lodge that visits with three or more members may claim the belt.
- VW David R. reported that he is good friends with Santa and requests donations of stuffed animals for Santa to give out during his travels. He also mentioned that Santa makes house-calls, and to reach out to him for scheduling. Additionally, he announced that Enlightenment Lodge No. 228 will be holding its annual Installation of Officers this Saturday at 6 PM.
- WM Roy G. announced ‘the longest charity walk in the world’, being held in Longview. The course will be marked with the celestial bodies and appropriately distanced starting from the sun and ending at Pluto.
WB Todd E. then rose, being called on by the Grand Master, to report the evening’s “Marshall’s Bottle”. Following our Grandmaster’s theme to “Be All In”, WB Todd presented the importance of understanding and seeking the Deeper meaning within ourselves and the world around us.
Using ordinary playing cards, WB Todd dove into the deeper meaning of the deck of cards doubling as an ancient calendar that’s been right before our eyes the whole time. He discussed how important it is for Masons to be more than meets the eye and to continue our pursuit of being the best we can be and elevate those around us.
He presented the Marshall’s bottle for the night reminding us that simple bit of freshwater maybe some mashed corn or wheat … some time in a barrel fermenting —patiently but diligently moving towards something greater than its parts or its past. To become something more.
Near the conclusion of our evening, our Grand Master rose and began the moment we had all been waiting for. Br. Julian H., having been a member of our beloved Fraternity for seventy years, was to be recognized for his contributions to the Craft. After a heartfelt prayer of thanks, and many kind words, Br. Julian was given Public Grand Honors and represented with a lapel pin and plaque denoting his achievement.

Br. Julian was recently recognized for his service in World War II and was the recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal. His contributions to the nation and to the fraternity are commendable, and we are honored to host this special evening for him!
It should be noted that we would not even know of Br. Julian’s achievements had VW Grodon J. not sat with him in Lodge two months ago to learn more about a new Brother attending Lodge. Br. Julian is limited in his travel, and not able to attend Lodge often. His home Lodge is north of Seattle. However, feeling the need for a good Lodge meeting, he attended Mt. Hood’s September Stated. There, VW Gordon sat next to a Brother he didn’t know, and sought to change that.
He quickly learned that he should be receiving his 70-year pin and, considering the distance, knew that it would be a challenge for his home Lodge to properly present him with the award. VW Gordon then proceeded to reach out to the Grand Lodge and other individuals to coordinate and make this a proper evening for Brother Julian. Just another two men in our wonderful fraternity looking to share brotherly love and friendship.
MW Steve Martin then proceeded to give his final remarks to the Brethren in attendance. He encouraged us to invest our time and energy into the fraternity, knowing that we’ll get out of it what we put into it. However, we were admonished not to do so at the expense of our own health, and the well-being of our family. He then thanked the Officers of Mt. Hood for their hospitality, and the brethren in attendance before smoothly and proficiently bringing our evening to a close, with much peace and harmony prevailing.