Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on February 8th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. The kitchen was busy as members of Henry Wentworth Chapter #250 of the Order of the Eastern Star were preparing to serve up Chicken Mole, Tacos, and Mexican Brownies for the evening meal. They will be holding an open Installation of Officers on March 23rd at 1 PM, and are eager for members of Mt. Hood to join them.
During the meal, Br. Jerramie R. recounted a recent trip to the Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple and his interview with Venerable Thich Minh Tinh (Thay Kozen) where he discovered intriguing parallels between Buddhist and Masonic philosophy, and found Masonic history hiding in an unlikely place.
Br. Jerramie asked him, “Why is this religion important to you? Ven. Kozen Sampson (The Head Monk) replied, “It asks me to become the best person I can become,” and “it teaches me to be responsible for my own actions.”
Additionally, Ven. Kozen Sampson has a direct link to Masonry. His grandfather was a Brother in the Philippines, possibly a Grand Master in the 60’s. He has his grandfather’s Masonic apron hanging in his quarters.
Taking advantage of the Step-Up night, WB Will L. was absent from the meeting. As the Brethren made their way into the Lodge room, Br. Alex assumed duties from the East. With a solid command of the Lodge, Br. Alex opened the meeting and then started to share some thoughts about Brotherly Love.
With a bit of flair, Br. Alex lit the tip of a stick using one of the burning tapers at the altar. Then, after returning to the East, showed off some here-to-fore unknown magical talent by transforming it into a rose. (Calm down, it was sleight of hand.) With a nod to the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, Br. Alex discussed how this sense of Brotherly Love is established at a new Brother’s Initiation, and during their higher Degrees. It is sustained with the first friendly grip of welcome at each meeting and enjoyed during our interactions with each other outside of Masonic functions. Further, it is extended to the wider world with each kindness we offer in society, large or small.
Introductions then followed or were at least attempted to be followed, by an introduction of Worshipful Master Tim H. of Washington Lodge No. 4. As a member of Mt. Hood, WB Tim is usually at our Stated Meetings, but WB Will sought to give as much work as possible to Br. Alex while in the East. After a proper introduction of a visiting Worshipful Master was given, Br. Justin rose to introduce our District Deputy on his official visit but graciously acquiesced to our Marshall, WB Todd E. As the entrance music grew louder, reminiscent of a WWE wrestler taking the stage, our District Deputy was received in a thunderous manner, to the enjoyment of all.
Moving on, one Brother proudly announced that his daughter had been accepted to Veterinary School during reports of Joy, Sickness, and Distress, receiving applause. Other Brothers shared the good news in ongoing stressful situations, which were met with an outpouring of Brotherly Love, much in line with the theme of our meeting.
Br. Joey K. then reported how the Random Act of Kindness (RAK) funds he received at our January Stated Meeting were dispersed. A feeling of solemnity and appreciation spread through the Lodge as Br. Joey reported that the funds were donated to a bereaved daughter to assist with the costs of cremating her recently deceased father. After the report, Br. Randy R. was selected to receive the evening RAK funds and given the usual charge to report their use at our March Stated Meeting.
VW David D. then announced a petition had been submitted by Mr. Cory P. to receive the Degrees of Masonry during Communications. Br. Alex then assigned an investigation committee which will provide a report at an upcoming Stated Meeting.
Our EA’s have been making excellent progress, as outlined during Proficiency Reports. Br. Randy is preparing to give his Posting Lecture, Br. Joey will be giving a presentation at an upcoming meeting along with Br. Cole who will be answering several questions about the EA Degree. Our only Fellowcraft, Br. Ian, has made magnificent progress and is prepared to give the Posting Lecture on the Second Degree at our upcoming Special Meeting on February 22nd. Assuming this is satisfactorily given, we will be conferring the Sublime Degree and raising him to the last and final degree of Ancient Craft Freemasonry that evening.
Of note during the Business portion of the evening, our Investments Committee announced that they will be providing a comprehensive summary of our Investment accounts and activity at our upcoming April Stated Meeting. All Master Mason’s are welcome to join us for the Degree.
During Practical Proficiency Br. Norvin, our acting Senior Deacon, presented the writings of Leadership aficionado, Brother Dr. John Maxwell on Brotherly Love and leadership principles. Dr. John Maxwell in his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, describes in the Law of Process, that becoming a leader cannot be accomplished by attending an event, a seminar or workshop. A leader develops himself by the deliberate practice of leadership education. The same holds true for Masonry. The degrees are an event and will not make you a Mason. Only by a process of study, contemplation, and practice will Masonry change you and you Become Masonry.
Br. Sage B. then presented the evening’s ‘In Case You Missed It‘ segment, recounting the very successful Crab Feed held by North Bank Lodge No. 182 which saw more than 150 attendees. In addition, it was reported that Job’s Daughters has hand-stitched several blankets which were then donated to local hospitals and a charity through their Linus project. Finally, it was reported that Br. Don W. of Washington Lodge No. 4 was recently presented with a 50-year service pin marking his half-century of Fellowship in our beloved Craft.
Moving on to the presentation of the Marshall’s Bottle, WB Todd stood and began to strip his clothes off. Having set the bar high during last month’s impersonation of the Lone Ranger, the Lodge was stunned with anticipation as he started to undress. Under his suit, WB Todd was wearing a formal Barong Tagalog, the official dress wear of the Philippines, as a token of Brotherly Love to Br. Alex for him stepping up as Worshipful Master for the evening.
From WB Todd’s presentation:
The Masonic connection of the Philippine flag does not end with its design. Freemasons have played significant roles during the most memorable events where the flag has been unfolded on Philippine soil.
On June 12, 1892, when Philippine independence was proclaimed at Kawit, Cavite a Proclamation of Independence, written by a Freemason (Ambrocio Rianzares Bautista) and signed by another Mason (Aguinaldo), was read. Thereafter a Freemason (Rianzares Bautista) displayed the flag before the populace.
On October 14, 1943, Philippine Independence was proclaimed anew under the sponsorship of the Japanese Imperial forces. A Freemason (Jorge B. Vargas of Sinukuan Lodge) read the proclamation terminating the Japanese Military Administration and thereafter another Freemason (Aguinaldo) hoisted the flag marking the first time since the start of the Japanese occupation that the flag was displayed in public.
On July 4, 1946, for a third time, Philippine independence was announced to the world. On this occasion, a Proclamation signed by a Mason (President and PGM Harry S. Truman) was read by another Freemason (Paul V. McNutt) at the Luneta after which a third Freemason (President Manuel A. Roxas, Past Master of Makawiwili Lodge No. 55), raised the Philippine standard.
Considering the historical link between the Philippine flag and Freemasonry, no one should begrudge the Freemasons of the Philippines if they behold our flag with unbounded pride. To Philippine Freemasons, the flag is not only an emblem of liberty and a symbol of the valor and sacrifices of our people, but it is also a memorial to the fraternity that they so dearly loved.
After the meeting, Brothers would be enjoying the Marshall’s bottle of Brothers Bond Burbon, a rare offering that is only available in six states.
VW Ric B. then took to the East to give his remarks on the Grand Master’s Message, his thoughts on the status of Mt. Hood, and an inspiring personal story. After closing his remarks, he graciously closed our meeting during his final Official Visit as District Deputy, just as he did during his first visit in February of last year, in an expert and proficient manner, peace and harmony prevailing.