Stated Meeting – May 9th, 2024

Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on May 9th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. The Worshipful Master was the first to arrive, eager to try and set up the Bluetooth connection from a laptop to the powerful speakers. Each slide in the evenings presentation had music, and after a bit of technical trial and error, the speakers came to life. 

Br. Randy arrived next, announced by a gust of warm wind that offered a refreshing contrast to the nicely air-conditioned hall. Wasting no time, he promptly joined in the setup efforts, followed closely by Br. Cory P. Their collective efforts were soon bolstered by Br. Jerramie’s arrival, who took charge and swiftly coordinated the remaining tasks. Soon, the hall was filled with activity as Brothers worked efficiently to prepare the Lodge for the evening’s proceedings.

OES Henry Wentworth, ever dedicated to ensuring a delightful dining experience, arrived early to commence preparations for the potato bar, a highlight of the evening’s dinner. However, with meal prep taking longer than anticipated, Br. Sage had full attention as he delved into the evening’s educational piece about the Toltecs and their influence on Mexican history. 

Preceding the Aztecs, the Toltecs were a Classic-Postclassic Civilization that ruled Central Mexico, from about 950-1150AD. The first king of the Tolteca was Quetzalcoatl, a wise old man who, legend has it, taught his people the arts, and metalworking, and made them into master builders. Archaeological records show that their capital city of Túla was the mythical city of Tollan, an idyllic utopia that joins the ranks of other legends such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Shangri-La, and Shambhala as spiritual blueprints for civilization in the collective unconscious.

Br. Sage then presented, through Aztec and Mayan records, how Quetzalcoatl migrated his influence East to the Yucatan Peninsula. There, known to the Quiché Mayans as Kukulcan, Quetzalcoatl, and the Toltec influence spread to places like Chichén Itzá. Sharing knowledge of the arts and sciences and leaving a lasting impression on many of the later cultures of Mexico and Guatemala.

The meal was well underway when the Worshipful Master announced that the meeting would be starting at 7:30 PM sharp. However, Brothers were more than welcomed to continue attacking their impressive potato’s, mounted by numerous toppings. When the time came, all Brothers were ready and made their way into the Lodge room. An image of WB Frank S. “Dad” Land was waiting for them with the following quote:

“Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching forward.”

After a proficient opening, Introductions were then made to welcome our many visiting guests, including representatives from Districts 19 and 18, along with a warm welcome extended to a WB Josh B., Past Master of Drumheller Lodge No. 146 hailing all the way from Alberta, Canada.

A captivating moment ensued as a video was showcased on the projection screen, depicting over 4,000 individuals dressed as dinosaurs gathered in Drumheller, Alberta, famously known as the dinosaur capital of the world. WB Josh B. described a recent attempt in the town to set a Guinness World Record, shown in the video. The previous attempt was a little over 1,000 participants but their attempt was so well attended that they lost count. Another attempt is in the works!

Moving into the Master’s Message, last meeting’s discussion on the impact of Officers in a Lodge was juxtaposed with the role of its members. The Worshipful Master recounted being asked a question about the symbolism of something each Mason sees early in their career. He admitted that he had not given it much thought, but instead of answering the question he moved on in the presentation.

The image of WB Julius O. Christensen was then presented on the screen. After none in attendance were able to note his contributions to Masonry, it was revealed that WB Julius was Worshipful Master of Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446 when WB Frank S. Land was Initiated into our Fraternity. The Worshipful Master then asked the rhetorical question, “Have you ever even considered who was Worshipful Master when George Washington, Houdini, or Henry Ford were initiated into Freemasonry?”

The message concluded with the admonition that Masonry is here to help Brothers become better men, and to be there to comfort and celebrate life’s milestones. The Worshipful Master and Officers of a Lodge have the mandate to maintain and facilitate this fellowship, but it is the duty of every member of the Lodge to engage with each other, improve themselves in masonry, and help foster a sense of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. 

Following the Master’s Message, an introduction was given to Br. Cory P., Mt. Hood Lodge’s newest Entered Apprentice, to share insights into our Craft. With poise and confidence, Br. Cory adeptly fielded a series of questions, providing illuminating perspectives on key aspects of Freemasonry covering the form of a lodge, the role of the Worshipful Master, and what is at the center of every Lodge.

As our meeting progressed, the floor was opened to Brothers who wished to share moments of Joy, Sickness, and Distress. Amidst the exchanges, an abundance of Joy filled the room as we celebrated significant milestones and triumphs.

We rejoiced in the news of a beloved Brother’s successful recovery from a recent medical procedure, a Brother about to celebrate his 5 year wedding anniversary, and a Brother’s well-deserved job promotion.

The conclusion of sharing Joy came with a heartwarming announcement regarding a Brother’s son, a senior in high school, who had encountered unexpected challenges in his educational journey. Despite the uncertainties, a last-minute breakthrough brought immense relief as he received acceptance into a prestigious university, opening the door to a bright and promising future. The emotional testimony shared by his father encapsulated the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by every parent, resonating deeply with all present and reinforcing the bonds of empathy and support that define our Masonic brotherhood.

Following the routine business, the Lodge proceeded to ballot on a petition for the Degrees of Masonry. Amidst the subdued congratulatory cheers from the successful ballot, VW Dave E. was respectfully excused from the proceedings to deliver the news to the petitioner, Mr. Michael B., who patiently awaited outside.

Upon his return, VW Dave E. brought with him a smile that spoke volumes, conveying the joyous news of Mr. Michael B.’s successful ballot. The room was filled with a sense of shared celebration as VW Dave E. recounted the petitioner’s elation upon receiving the news later in the evening, expressing his heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity bestowed upon him. With eager anticipation, Mr. Michael B. eagerly awaited the conclusion of the meeting to join in the festivities and share the warm embrace of his newfound Masonic brethren.

The Lodge then turned its attention to a matter of procedural importance—the discussion surrounding the investigation process for petitioners. Recognizing the significance of ensuring thorough and fair evaluations, it was announced that the Lodge Officers would undertake the task of developing a comprehensive set of expectations for future investigation committees to adhere to. This proactive approach aimed to provide transparency and clarity to all Lodge members, offering insight into the diligent efforts undertaken during the petition review process. By establishing clear guidelines and standards, members could gain a deeper understanding of the meticulous work being conducted behind the scenes to uphold the integrity of our Masonic community.

Following the discussion on petitioners’ investigations, attention turned to the proficiency process for Entered Apprentices (EAs), Fellowcrafts (FCs), and Master Masons (MMs). The Lodge diligently outlined the steps and expectations involved in this crucial aspect of Masonic advancement. By providing clear guidance on the proficiency requirements for each degree, the Lodge aimed to support the growth and development of its members as they progressed through their Masonic journey.

Proficiency Reports were then presented by Br. Alex B. Br. Ian R. was noted to be nearing readiness to present his posting lecture, although an upcoming overseas trip would temporarily delay its completion. Br. Randy R. was reported to be on the cusp of completing his Fellowcraft lecture and would soon reach out to local Lodges to schedule an educational presentation.

The Lodge celebrated the commendable progress of our eager Entered Apprentices, each making significant strides in their Masonic journey. Br. Joey K. was deemed ready to deliver his posting lecture at an upcoming Special Meeting, with Br. Cole C. following suit and also prepared to deliver a presentation later in the meeting. Br. Austin B. demonstrated promising progress, having narrowed down his focus to answering questions and brainstorming ideas for a presentation, likely to be delivered at our June Stated Meeting. Br. Cory P., having already provided answers to several questions earlier in the meeting, was also prepared to deliver a presentation, showcasing the dedication and enthusiasm of our Lodge’s newest members.

Br. Cole took the floor and commenced his presentation with a touch of humor, engaging the brethren with a visual themed to the popular ‘Guess the Pokemon’ game. With a playful demeanor, he challenged those in attendance to consider the significance of the chisel in Masonry. Delving into the tool’s intricacies and its diverse applications across different jurisdictions, he delivered a compelling argument for every Mason to contemplate the profound symbolism behind this essential instrument. Later in the meeting, Br. Sage B. echoed Br. Cole’s sentiments, acknowledging the utility of the tool while emphasizing the importance of intentional effort in harnessing its effectiveness.

Building upon the positive momentum of the preceding presentation, Br. Cory stepped forward to deliver an engaging discourse centered around mathematics. Using multiple charts and illustrations, he skillfully articulated the principles of Vector mathematics, drawing parallels to the Masonic virtues of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

With clarity and conviction, he elucidated how these foundational principles, when embraced collectively, can serve as powerful vectors for unity and progress within our Masonic journey. By emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between cooperation and efficiency, Br. Cory underscored the transformative potential inherent in working together towards common goals, demonstrating the profound intersections between mathematics and the timeless teachings of Freemasonry.

Br. Justin then took the floor to deliver a practical proficiency for the evening. Taking up the question previously mentioned in the Master’s Message, Br. Justin proceeded to give the answer and expanded on it, sparking curiosity among the brethren and prompting further exploration of the subject matter. 

As the nine o’clock hour drew near, the pace of the meeting quickened. The “In Case You Missed It” segment kicked off with Br. Justin G. sharing highlights from the recent Washington State DeMolay annual convention in Pasco, Washington. He commended the boys for their exemplary conduct and enthusiastic participation in a wide range of activities.

Following suit, Br. Mark P. regaled the brethren with tales from a recent ‘Kentucky Derby’ themed event held at Vancouver Point, the venue for our Saturday University events. Joined by Br. Alex B. from Mt. Hood, and VW Mark S. and Br. Austin G. of Washington Lodge No. 4, the brethren lent their support in various capacities, adding to the festive atmosphere. Br. Alex’s role in rolling oversized dice, each representing the strides of a ‘horse’ in the Derby, injected an element of whimsy into the proceedings, with horses sporting amusing monikers like ‘Acid-Reflux’ and ‘Titanium-Joints’ vying for victory on the track.

Br. Connor G. then shared captivating images from a recent Habitat for Humanity event attended by Br. Jerramie R., Br. Ian R., Br. Cory P., and Mr. Michael B. Despite the labor involved, the event proved to be immensely gratifying, contributing significantly to a family’s dream of moving into a new home. Looking ahead, the brethren eagerly anticipated the next volunteering opportunity scheduled for June 1st, eagerly embracing the chance to make a meaningful difference in the community once again.

The Good of the Order segment that followed overflowed with announcements of May events:

  • Saturday, May 11th – Br. Jerramie R. – May Masterpiece
  • Thursday, May 16th – WB Tim H . – Washington Lodge No. 4 MM Degree
  • Saturday, May 18th – Br. Justin G. – Bethel No. 38 Installation of Officers
  • Saturday, May 18th – WB Todd E. – Research Lodge of Oregon, Masonic Billards Presentation
  • Saturday, May 25th – WB Will L. – Woodland/Kalama Lodge No. 17 Memorial Day Potluck
  • Thursday, May 30th – Br. Justin G. – 5th Thursday Fun Night
  • Saturday, June 1st – Br. Connor G. – Habitat for Humanity Charity Event

Taking center stage, WB Todd E. rose for the evening’s “Marshalls’ Bottle”. Against the backdrop of a projected image of a honeysuckle plant, he delved into the rich heritage of the Cheltenham Masonic Hall, the second oldest purpose-built Masonic lodge in England, which stood as a testament to the dedication of its founding members. With meticulous attention to detail, WB Todd painted a vivid picture of the hall’s opulent Regency-style décor, highlighting the ornate frieze adorned with a Graeco-Roman floral design prominently featuring the honeysuckle plant.

Drawing upon the symbolism of the honeysuckle, WB Todd underscored its significance as a symbol of fidelity, a cornerstone of Masonic virtue. This profound insight resonated deeply with the brethren, serving as a poignant reminder of the enduring principles that unite us as Masons. As the Marshall’s Bottle for the evening, the selection of Maker’s Mark “Honeysuckle Breeze” was a fitting tribute to this timeless symbol of fidelity, encapsulating the essence of brotherhood and unity that defines our Masonic journey.

As the gavel rapped to signal the conclusion of the meeting, the upbeat notes of Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop The Feeling” filled the air, eliciting cheers and applause from the brethren. With a quick transition, efforts were made to tidy up the Lodge room in preparation for the fellowship that awaited us. Br. Michael, the recipient of much congratulatory praise and warm embraces following his successful ballot for membership, stood at the center of the jubilant gathering.

Amidst an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, the remaining brethren each raised a toast in turn, reflecting on the evening’s discussions and the bonds of brotherhood that unite us. As the night gradually drew to a close, each brother bid their farewells. With hearts full of gratitude and spirits uplifted, we embraced the promise of tomorrow, carrying with us the cherished memories of another memorable Masonic gathering, peace and harmony prevailing.