Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on June 27th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. Honoring tradition, Brothers arrived early in bright Aloha shirts, ready to complete one last meeting before going dark for two months. The Lodge room was set up quickly, allowing Brothers to enjoy leisurely conversation and a few laughs. Br. Ian, fresh from his return overseas, was warmly welcomed along with Mr. Joe and Mr. Nick, two men we are looking forward to meeting up with during the summer.
Brothers from around the District soon arrived to enjoy the fellowship. VW Mike N. arrived with several Brothers from White Salmon Lodge No. 163, including Br. Kelly and Worshipful Master-elect Jeff M. Br. Danny N. from Kelso Lodge No. 94, WB Don M. from Ridgefield-Daylight Lodge No. 237, Br. Austin G. and Br. Britten E. from Washington Lodge No. 4 and WB Chad B. from North Bank Lodge No. 182 were welcomed as well.

While most of our Stated Meeting meals have been provided by OES Henry Wentworth, our Junior Wardon was on the hook for the evening, and he delivered beautifully! A Hawaiian feast was soon available and quickly devoured by those in attendance.

Our Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts shared the fruits of their labor as well, with Mai-Tai mocktails made with fresh squeezed lemon and lime, and the little umbrellas that everyone likes. The conversation was roaring when the Worshipful Master walked into the room, top hat and the massive traveling gavel in hand.

After lamenting the duty to admonish some, and the joy in celebrating others, humorous certificates were handed out to several Brothers. In appreciation of his efforts for the year, our Junior Warden was given a certificate allowing one free absence from a Lodge meeting, valid starting the day after our Installation of Officers in September. WB Tim H. was appointed ‘Pro-Tem Champion’, Br. Joey was acknowledged as having the ‘largest toe in the Lodge’, and Br. Mark P. was reprimanded for ‘missing that one word in ritual that one time’.
Many others were presented, after which the meal concluded in good humor and fellowship as a presentation of our past year of activities was shown on the projector. This spirit of fellowship was punctuated by the quote shown on the screen as the Brothers entered the Lodge for the meeting.

After the several visitors in attendance introduced themselves in place, Worshipful Master-elect Jeff M. from White Salmon was introduced in the East, followed by our District Deputy, fresh from his recent installment during the Annual Communication earlier in the Month. After which, the Master’s Message was given. Having served three consecutive years in the East, Worshipful Master Will L. discussed his motivations for ‘being all in’. As Masons, we rely on our Brothers for much of our experience. From mentorship and Degrees, to awards and recognition. Presiding in the East presents a real opportunity to craft the type of Masonic experience one is looking for. He then thanked the Officers of Mt. Hood, and the Brethren in attendance, for their continued support and assistance in developing that experience. WB Art L. was noted as an inspiration and, in honor of his many games and puzzles presented during his year in the East at North Bank Lodge No. 182, all Brethren in attendance participated in a ritual competition. After a brief practice round, the game began. Competition was fierce and ultimately our District Deputy VW Mike N., WB Tim H., Worshipful Master of Washington Lodge No. 4, and Fellowcraft Br. Cole C from Mt. Hood, were the victors. Each received a ‘Mt. Hood’ mug and congratulations from all in attendance. After which, Br. Connor G. led us in a prayer in remembrance of the late WB Art L. Joy, Sickness and Distress included many Brothers sharing profound challenges in their lives, reminding each of us that as Masons, we always have a friend and a shoulder to lean on. Br. Cory P., in reporting how he used last month’s Random Act of Kindness funds, uplifted spirits as he recounted how a random encounter with an Uber driver, suffering from cancer and struggling to make ends meet, provided an opportunity to make at least one person’s day a little bit brighter. Routine business included normal communications and bills. However, a letter received from Washington Lodge No. 4 received much attention. Informally, conversations between our two Lodges have been happening regarding the opportunity to lease or purchase a building allowing each Lodge to dramatically expand their Masonic programs. The letter was read in Lodge, and a reply was read, voted on, and approved. Both letters will be mailed to members of Mt. Hood later this summer. After a surprise educational piece on the Washington Masonic Code, Elections for the 2024-2025 Masonic Year were then held. Much appreciation was given to Br. Austin G. and Br. Danny N. for facilitating the evenings’ elections. After votes were counted, and positions were accepted, the following Brethren were elected to lead our Lodge in the ensuing year. |
Worshipful Master Alexander B. Senior Warden Sage B. Junior Warden Jerramie R. Secretary/Treasurer David D. |
Worthy Brother Alex B. announced an open Installation of Officers will be held on September 21st, 2024 at the Vancouver Hilton. Following the elections, proficiency updates were given for several Brothers. Br. Connor reports that Br. Ian should be ready to prove up on the 3rd Degree later in the summer. Br. Mark P. remarked on Br. Cole’s work towards Fellowcraft proficiency, after reminding us of his excellent 1st Degree proficiency earlier in the evening as a victor in the ritual competition. Br. Norvin C. announced that Br. Randy R. will be giving a presentation at Silver Star Lodge No. 286 on August 13th, followed by Br. Jerramie R.’s announcement that Br. Joey K. will be providing some Masonic education at the upcoming Stated Meeting for Ridgefield-Daylight Lodge No. 237 on July 6th. WB Will L. reported that Br. Austin B. has been focused on his ‘parenting proficiency’ with his four-month-old at home but is eager to resume studies later in the year. Br. Connor highlighted Br. Cory’s efforts and near completion of the 1st Degree posting lecture. VW Dave E announced that Br. Michael B. is making quick progress in his studies and was prepared to answer several questions on the Entered Apprentice Degree that evening. Br. Michael was then given the floor where he provided answers to several questions from the NCEP, showing his mastery of the material. Our Junior Deacon, Br. Justin G., was absent from the evening, as well as our current Secretary/Treasurer, as they were both assisting with the Job’s Daughter’s International Annual Convention. So, instead of Practical Proficiency, WB Don M. of Ridgefield-Daylight Lodge No. 237 was invited as a guest speaker to suggest several movies to watch over the summer. WB Don noted over fifty movies with Masonic mentions and went into some detail about 11 of them during the meeting. For each of the movies, listed below, he noted the Masonic elements and where they can be viewed. Several of the movies discussed prompted comment and discussion from the brethren. |
Pay Your Dues
Dora’s Dunkin’ Donuts
Sons of the Desert
From Hell
Murder by Decree
Cremaster 3
Secrets (1983)
Occult Forces
The Man Who Would be King
WB Don ended his presentation to thunderous applause for the thoroughly enjoyable exhibition of Masonic movie references.
During ‘In Case You Missed It’, our recent Annual Communication was discussed and applause was given to our newly Installed Grand Master, MW Jimmy Norton. WB Tim H. announced that WB Bill F. was recently presented with his sixty-year service pin during Washington Lodge No. 4’s recent Stated Meeting and that WB Todd E. had been presented with the Hiram Award, the highest award any Lodge may bestow on one of its members.
WB Todd, who may be found in many Lodges around the District offering support and guidance, including Mt. Hood where he serves as Marshal, was afforded public grand honors in recognition of his achievements and donations of time and talent to the Craft. The segment concluded with a recap of Mt. Hood’s recent ‘May Masterpiece’ event, showing a picture of the ladies who enjoyed wine and painting at the English Estate Winery.
It was discovered that July 20th would be a busy day for Masonry, as the upcoming Battle Ground Harvest Days parade was presented. Later that day Washington Lodge No. 4 will be conferring the Master Mason Degree on Br. Austin G. All Brethren are encouraged to attend!
After several announcements, WB Todd E., WB Tim H., and WB Chad B. stood West of the altar. Representing a group of Brothers who, with WB Will, spent many an evening discussing plans for Masonry during the pandemic, presented the Worshipful Master with a multi-faceted hiking stick. WB Todd then presented a beautiful poem, the text of which is provided below.
VW Mike N., Deputy for District 19, was then brought to the East to give closing comments. Reflecting the Grand Master’s message, he encouraged those in attendance to ‘Empower, Enlighten and Uplift’ each other, and our efforts should be extended beyond the Lodge into our communities.
Finally, the minutes were read by VW Gordon J., acting as pro-tem Secretary. After quickly and expertly recounting the evening’s full agenda, the tired but happy group of Brothers proceeded to close our final meeting of the year, with peace and harmony prevailing.