With the officers for the new Masonic year freshly installed, and Worshipful Brother Alex Bautista at the helm, Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on October 10th for its Stated Communication and opened on the 1st degree. Many hands made light work as the form of the lodge was constructed, and soon the lodge room was filled with fellowship.
After a rousing prayer from our Brother Chaplain, VW Bro. Dave E., the brothers sat down to break bread. Providing relief from the vegetarian sensibilities of the previous Junior Warden, newly installed Junior Warden Bro. Jerramie R. provided a delicious spread of smoked brisket, pulled pork, and cheesy mac that was quickly cleaned out.

Opening the lodge in stated communication for the first time, Worshipful Brother Alex Bautista took the Oriental chair and welcomed the lodge with his first message. WB Alex spoke of the inspiration he received in his early Masonic Career, seeing VWB David D. and WB Dick P. working diligently to set up our traveling lodge each meeting and perpetuate its history.
He advised the brothers in attendance to remember the importance of continuously learning, absorbing knowledge so that light can be carried out into the world. To further that learning, the Worshipful Master announced the educational theme for the year, exploring the Age of Enlightenment and the Liberal Arts and Sciences through the Trivium and the Quadrivium.
Following introductions from visiting brothers, the lodge held a moment of silence for WB Don Fitzgerald who has passed to the Celestial Lodge above. Several Brothers stood to share fond memories and humorous stories of the light Brother Don brought to their lives.
When asked to share Joy, Sickness, and Distress several Brothers stood to share recent joys in their lives. Yet, as if to punctuate this joy expressed heartily one sorrowful addition reminded the assembled brethren to cherish each moment we have with those we love, as we never know when our time will be called.
Among the usual business of the lodge, one communication stood out. A call for aid was received from the Washington Masonic Services for Hurricane relief funds. Job’s Daughters also thanked us for supporting their Grand Session fund with our advertising. Proficiency reports were delivered, and Brother Joey K. will be delivering his presentation before the lodge prior to his MM degree on October 24th. All Master Masons are invited to join us for dinner at 6pm.
WB Alex then proceeded to discuss the legacy of Freemasonry in the arts, as well as several prominent Masonic thinkers from the Enlightenment, including Denis Diderot (1713-1784), the chief editor of the Encyclopédie, one of the principal works of the Age of Enlightenment, George Washington (1732-1799), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and Voltaire (1694-1778).
Junior Deacon Bro. Connor G. then opened his first presentation on practical proficiency by asking a time-honored question of self-discovery, why did you join Masonry? From his exploration of this question among brothers and seekers, several categories of answers were shared: to be part of a charitable organization, to forge deep friendships, and to explore deeper meaning and to seek knowledge.
Bro. Connor shared the insight for further meditation “Outside of my peripheral vision lies my own knowledge” and gave the assembled brothers the injunction to show up and ask questions, because “Iron sharpens Iron” and the individual experience shared with the collective brotherhood nurtures the growth of all.
As part of the continued vision of the lodge’s growth, WB Alex announced the formation of several lodge committees, with the Education Committee headed by Bro. Justin G, the Charity Committee headed by Bro. Connor G. and the Investment Committee headed by VWB. David D.
Touching on the activities of the larger Masonic body, newly installed Senior Warden Sage B. shared our “In case you missed it” segment. Accounts were made for the raising of Brother Randy R. to the sublime degree in September, the Demolay and our own lodge’s installations of officers, as well as the delicious annual Afifi Crab Fest.
Under the guise of sharing his message as a grumpy Past Master, WB Will L. then took the East briefly and asked Br. Cory P., sitting temporarily as Senior Deacon, to escort the Senior Warden to the East. There, WB Will recounted Bro. Sage B’s past contributions to the Lodge, including his extended period as an Entered Apprentice during the pandemic years, his significant involvement in developing degree experiences and events, through his progress in the Officer Line.
Building up to a significant presentation, WB Will then pulled a certificate hidden in the podium. In large font readable from clear across the Grange Hall, the words “Thank You” titled the somewhat underwhelming certificate. After a round of applause, Bro. Sage gave a few heartfelt words about his joy and enthusiasm over these past few years before the Senior Deacon was asked to return our Senior Warden to his station.
After a disturbance caused some commotion, Bro. Sage was asked to return to the East. WB Will quipped, “You don’t think we’d go through all that for a Thank You did you?”. He then asked all previous recipients of the Hiram Award to stand, before presenting a Hiram Award lapel pin and Certificate signed by MW Brother Jimmy Norton, Grand Master of Masons in Washington. Grand Honors and another round of applause underscored the appreciation the Lodge felt for Bro. Sage’s contributions over these many years.
Finally, before closing out the lodge, in honor of WB Alex’s Filipino heritage, WB Todd E. presented the Marshall’s Bottle gifted by Bro. Alex’s daughter, a limited edition “Extra Premium” Lampanog by the Manila Hotel, a coconut Liquor hailed as the world’s no. 2 spirit in Taste’s Atlas rankings. Upon closing with peace and harmony prevailing, and under the temperate eye of the Junior Warden, fun and fellowship was to be had by all. The meeting testament as a true display of Brotherly Love and Affection.