Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on January 11th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. For our first meeting after the long holiday break, Brothers were eager to catch up and prepare the location for a proper Lodge meeting. Brothers Jerramie and Sage prepared for the evening meal education while Brothers Norvin and Randy prepared the hall. Others enjoyed fellowship and sharing stories.
For our dinner, we enjoyed a selection of medieval recipes translated from old English. Red wine beef stew, wild rice pilaf, and a cabbage pottage Visually, the meal was very unappealing. Lumpy mud and rice with mushrooms and apples were prepared alongside an optional vegetarian cabbage dish. With the bravery of a Knights Templar, each dug into the meal. However, after the first bite, the next was soon after. The taste and flavors were so good that the Brothers eagerly reached for pieces of bread to mop up what they could from their empty bowls.
Brother Sage B. then gave his presentation on the history of Edward I: King, Crusader, and founder of the first English Parliament. (The King in the movie Braveheart.) Alongside this history, we learned about his Master of the Royal Works in Wales and Scotland, James of Saint George. Master James, an operative stonemason and architect, was responsible for the construction of eight stone castle fortifications across North Wales.
As Brothers entered the Lodge room, they were greeted with a quote:
“…that is, to be good Men and true, or Men of Honour and Honesty, by whatever Denominations or Persuasions they may distinguish’d; whereby Masonry becomes the Center of Union, and the Means of conciliating true Friendship among Persons that must else have remain’d at a perpetual Distance.”
– WB James Anderson,
Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 17,
Grand Lodge of London and Westminster, 1723.
The Lodge was opened in a proficient manner, however the absence of Br. David H. was immediately felt due to the lack of music in the air. We wish him the best in his recovery. Quickly after opening, a guest speaker from the late 1700’s gave a rousing presentation from his book Illustrations of Masonry, reading Section 6 titled “Reasons why the secrets of Masonry ought not to be publicly exposed; and the importance of those secrets demonstrated”. The full text is given at the end of this email. Introductions were brief but included a visiting Brother from the Grand Lodge of Alaska who has taken up residence in Battle Ground and will sure to be joining us at future meetings. During Joy, Sickness and Distress, Br. Joey proudly showed off the Castle Rock traveling weight belt, captured during a recent visitation to Castle Rock Lodge No. 62 with VW Dave E. The miniature Masonic-themed wrestling belt was an invention of WB Mike C to encourage Lodge visitations up and down the I-5 corridor.
Fortunately, WB Tim H., Worshipful Master of Washington Lodge No. 4, as well as WB Todd E, Br. Britten E., and Br. Austin G. (who had just been initiated in December) were there to collect the weight belt. Congrats Brothers! Additional Joy was shared including a Brother’s return from the hospital after an unexpected and serious health condition during December. After sharing joyous news, many Brothers shared some of the sickness and distress they were experiencing. Our Chaplain, Br. Connor lead a heartfelt prayer encouraging strength during difficult times. Our Lodge Secretary, VW David D, presented a few official communications, including one from members of the Barberton Grange thanking Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 for its generous donation towards the
Clark County Chaplaincy program during their recent funding-raising event. Proficiency reports were then given. Brother Mark, who was raised to the Sublime Degree in November, was presented with a Pass and given the instruction to travel to a foreign Lodge. There, to use the modes of recognition to gain entry, and then report back to us. The ability to travel freely to another Lodge is one of the greatest privileges in Masonry, and proving competency in this has now been added to the requirements to prove proficiency as a Master Mason at Mt. Hood.Br. Cole, currently traveling in the Netherlands caring for a sick friend, is making good progress, as is Brother Ian who was unavailable as well due to important family matters. It was noted that Brother Ian gave an excellent presentation about the Second Degree at a recent visit to Kenton Lodge in December. We wish them both the best. Brothers Randy and Joey gave proficiency presentations during the meeting. Br. Randy gave a presentation about elements of the First Degree and his own research into some of the lessons inculcated. Using visuals in
Art and other common symbols like the nautical compass, he shared personal breakthroughs in understanding, culminating in an interesting interpretation of the
1390 Regis Manuscript from a contractor’s perspective.After, Brother Joey gave answers to several questions from our New Candidate Education Program, including “What are the primary doctrines of Freemasonry?” and “What are the responsibilities of an Entered Apprentice Mason?”. The Worshipful Master then presented Brother Joey with the evening’s Random Act of Kindness Funds and gave the usual charge.
During Practical Proficiency, Br. Justin G. gave a presentation on the Badge of a Mason and discussed how living up to the virtues and tenets of Freemasonry may not always be easy, leaving us a little dirty from the hard work needed to smooth our ashlars, but through their pursuit makes our aprons spotless.
Brother Alex then presented the findings from our recent Lodge Audit. Again, VW Brother David D’s books were applauded, with some minor process changes suggested. Br. Alex then discussed looking deeper into our Lodge investments and will be giving a presentation in April. A significant effort to review our Lodge’s Grandview Records was announced by the Worshipful Master, being spearheaded by Brothers Jerramie and Justin. This effort will involve contacting the membership and validating their contact information. A full report will be given at our March meeting where we will make a motion to purge specific records per Section 20.11 of the Washington Masonic Code (WMC). The Worshipful Master then took the opportunity to delve deep into the WMC, to an extent worthy of praise by VWB Gordon! After discussing the aforementioned section, a portion of the Worshipful Master’s Obligation was highlighted:
“The Book of Constitutions you are to search at all times. Cause it to be read in your Lodge, that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins.”A brief presentation about the difference between “Constitutions” and “Bylaws” was then given, as well as relating it to the Masonic Initiation experience. That duty being performed, several past events were mentioned during the “In Case You Missed It”, including our recent 7 Masters Table Lodge, Br. John Nagy’s presentation, and New Year’s Eve “Merci’ 23” Party. During Good of the Order, several Brothers gave announcements including:
- Jan. 18th – Washington Lodge No. 4 MM Degree
- Jan 26th – Woodland-Kalama Lodge No. 17 Game Night
- Jan. 27th – North Bank Lodge No. 182 Crab Feed Event
- Feb. 10th – Washington Lodge No. 4 Burns Night
At the conclusion of the evening, WB Todd E. rose to present the Marshalls’ Bottle. On his recent trip to Texas, he had the good fortune of finding a bottle of Texas Ranger 1823 Blended Whiskey, which he brought for enjoyment after the meeting. He then recounted the long history of Freemasonry in the Wild West and, after donning the iconic mask, gave a retelling of the story of Brother John Reed, the Lone Ranger, in dramatic fashion!
The first Stated Meeting of 2024 was then closed in an enjoyable and proficient manner, with peace and harmony prevailing.